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event date time appointment What is a Virtual R.E.S.E.T.?

The R.E.S.E.T. Video Series is made up of 16 Videos recorded during the RESET '22 Business Conference. These speakers will walk you through step by step processes and behind the scenes of success stories to increase your workflow, build your social media platforms, increase your profit margin and lead your team in a way that they STAY with your company.

VIP Members will also receive monthly invites to a LIVE online session that allows us to discuss our action steps, take a closer look at one of the presentations, and receive feedback for our business on what to do next.

live stream camera monitor computer desktop About this Series

You'll receive a link directly in your inbox as soon as you hit submit! Videos Include and are NOT limited to:

  • Website Revamps and Google Listings

  • Servant Leadership: Getting Your Team to Stay

  • How Scaling Back Can Move You Forward

  • Understanding a Break-Even Analysis: Know the Exact Moment Your Profit Begins

  • Recklessly Alive: Your Business, Your Mental Health & Living Your Best Life

  • Building Habits that Last

  • Conquering Your M.O.R.N.I.N.G. Routine


Join before February 8 and you will ALSO receive an invite to a LIVE bonus session on taking the stress out of social media planning, posting more in order to get your customers IN THE DOOR! (Even if your door is a virtual one).

Are you ready to become part of a community of incredible people cheering for YOUR success this year? Yes? Then let's do it!

Note: All topics and action steps are the opinions of the speakers. None of the items discussed are a promise that your business will grow, but we do stand by that our opinions are valid ideas that worked for each of us.

This conference is brought to you by Create Your Yes, LLC.

Welcome to R.E.S.E.T. : The Video Series

Get ready to RESET your business this year!
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30 Days of Access + 1 Virtual Group Session
30 days of access to the 16 Sessions from RESET '22, along with an invite to one LIVE virtual session, which takes place on the the first of the month after you sign up (omitting August).
VIP Unlimited 2023 Access & 6 Virtual Group Sessions
Watch the videos endlessly throughout 2023 until the clock strikes Midnight into the new year. Along with videos, you're invited to monthly sessions on the first of each month (omitting August) through September 1 2023.
One-on-One Coaching Sessions
You get to decide if the session focuses on marketing, future planning, expansion or all of the above. One week later I'll check in on your action items for moving forward. This is your own personal coaching AND cheer leading session! - Each Session is 1 Hour
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